“I told the brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book.”
Wilford Woodruff’s Journal, November 28. 1841
“I have more to boast of than ever any man had. I am the only man that has ever been able to keep a whole church together since the days of Adam…neither Paul, Peter, nor Jesus ever did it. I boast that no man ever did such a work as I. The followers of Jesus ran away from Him; but the Latter-day-Saints never ran away from me yet.”
LDS History of the Church, vol. 6, pp. 408–409
“In the beginning, the head of the Gods called a council of the Gods; and they came together and concocted a plan to create the world and people in it.”
Journal of Discourses Vol. 6, Page 5
“I will prove that the world is wrong, by showing what God is…. God himself was once as we are now, and is an exalted man…. We have imagined and supposed that God was God from all eternity. I will refute that idea.… You have got to learn how to be Gods yourselves…the same as all Gods have done before you, namely, by going from one small degree to another…. I am learned and know more than all the world.”
Times and Seasons, August 15, 1844
“God made Aaron to be the mouth piece for the children of Israel, and he will make me be God to you in his stead…and if you don’t like it, you must lump it.”
Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 363
“When I [Joseph Smith] have proved that I am right, and get all the world subdued under me, I think I shall deserve something.”
Pittsburgh Weekly Gazette, September 14, 1843
“…Hell is by no means the place this world of fools suppose it to be, but on the contrary, it is quite an agreeable place….”
Nauvoo Expositor, p. 2