Eternity Compromised?
Community of Christ member, your eternal soul is under a silent spiritual assault — an assault by omission. You may believe that your church has equipped you with everything necessary for you to be accepted by God and go to heaven. But, your opportunity to live with God in the next life has been compromised, because church leaders, from the beginning of the movement, have not presented the simple plan of salvation to their followers. As former members ourselves, we can testify to the fact that we have never heard the Biblical gospel of salvation presented from an RLDS/CoC pulpit.
What is God’s Plan of Salvation?
The Bible teaches us that God is holy and perfect. No sin can exist in His presence. Because we have all sinned to some degree, we can never enter His presence by our own efforts. The punishment for our sin is death. But because He loves us so much, God the Father provided a means of forgiveness and reconciliation for us. Jesus, God the Son, came to earth to die in our place, a sacrifice for the sins of all mankind. Upon accepting His substitutionary death for our sins, and surrendering our life to Him, we are forgiven of our sins and are indwelt by God the Holy Spirit who enables us to live the Christian life here on earth. When we leave this earth, we have the assurance that we will be with God in heaven.
What does the CoC teach about salvation?
On the church’s official website, the CoC defines salvation by first correctly stating that “God loves us even though we are sinful.” They then go on to say that, “Through the ministry of Christ and the presence of the Holy Spirit, we are able to turn to God and to receive the gifts of salvation and eternal life.” There is no mention of our sin or His atonement or how we are able to turn to God in order to receive the gifts of salvation and eternal life.
They go on to say that, “Those who accept the gospel are called to respond to Christ through baptism and committed discipleship.” Since the term gospel is never defined on the website, how can one accept it and respond to it? The CoC explanation of salvation ends with the statement, “As individuals exercise faith in Christ and follow his example and teachings, they become new people.” Salvation is portrayed as a progression rather than a one-time event, which occurs when a person gives his or her life to Jesus.
What does the CoC teach about Jesus’ role in the plan of salvation?
It is true that CoC leaders use the name of Jesus frequently, but not in association with God’s plan of salvation, the very reason He came to earth. Over the course of 2001 and 2002, they printed the following articles in the church’s magazine, Herald, mentioning Jesus.
“Look, Touch…See!” by Carolyn Brock, talks about seeing Jesus but does not explain that seeing Jesus can only begin by removing the sin barrier between God and man through the atonement of Jesus on the cross. Although a picture of the cross is shown there is nothing that explains its significance. (February 2002)
“Is It Really Better To Give Than To Receive?” By Peter A. Judd, references the life-changing gift of Jesus, and our response to that gift. But sadly he fails to tell how we may lay our sin burden down at the cross of Christ, which is the real gift. (December 2001)
“Creating Congregations of Nonviolence and Reconciliation” by Andrew Bolton correctly refers to worshiping “God—revealed fully in Jesus,” but the article does not explain that the reason we worship Jesus is out of gratitude for saving us from sin and death. (October 2001)
“Let This Mind Be In You” by Barbara Howard refers to having the mind of Christ in us and God’s presence and participation in our lives. It does not explain that such a promise is realized only by those who are redeemed by the blood of Jesus. It is not available to those who reject His atonement. (October 2001)
In “To Share the Word of Life” by Tony Chvala-Smith the key passage asks, “Who are we? …We are a worldwide community centered in Jesus Christ…committed to bringing healing and reconciliation to the world.” “Centered in Jesus” is not a biblical concept and in no way qualifies as part of the redemptive process. Healing and reconciliation are by-products of the supernatural grace of Jesus Christ and cannot be accomplished without the cross and His sacrificial death. (July 2001)
“An Old, Old Path Made Ever New” by W. Grant McMurray suggests, “There’s only one reason for the church to exist—to re-present in the modern world the life and ministries of Jesus Christ.” Jesus said, “I have come to seek and to save those that are lost.” (John 14: 6) There is no salvation apart from the atonement death of Jesus. As long as the CoC does not present the salvation message, the author’s Christian sounding words are without substance. (June 2001)
“The Christ Rose” by Richard E. Kohlman correctly states “at the cross we surrender our selves, our pride, all that we are, and find new life in Christ.” Yet he wrongly states “ the cross is not a cross of death.” There is no way to clean up what Jesus did for us. He did die and he calls us to die to our sin. (April 2001)
Sadly, none of these articles contain a clear presentation of God’s plan of salvation. Understanding the Biblical doctrine of salvation is essential for one to become a Christian and to live the Christian life. Why then would church leaders, who profess to be Christian, not provide this vital information to their members?
Is it because, from the beginning of their movement, Joseph Smith’s followers have regarded the Bible as an inadequate basis for Christian faith and doctrine? In so doing, they have dismissed the only instruction book the Lord has provided for mankind to live by, along with His plan for their salvation.
So, is it a conspiracy of silence that the plan of salvation is not mentioned in the CoC? Or, is it a lack of awareness of God’s perfect plan because the CoC does not view His Word as trustworthy?
When people reject the sure Word of God as their guide, they are, in effect, denying that absolute truth exists. If there is no absolute truth, then there is no right and wrong and no accountability to God for their actions. They can then “save” themselves by merely redefining sin in a manner that eliminates their guilt.
Of course, these verbal contortions do not solve the problem; they only cover it up. You may think you have done everything necessary to go to heaven. But be careful! The Restoration adds to the atonement of Jesus—Jesus plus Joseph Smith, priesthood, baptism, revelations, tithing, etc. The only way to be truly freed from sin and the destructive impact it has on our lives, is to submit to the Biblical gospel—the simple plan of salvation—something which is absent from the CoC vocabulary.
Please prayerfully consider following God’s plan for your salvation. Nothing and no one but Jesus has the power to give you a new heart, a new life and a peace which transcends all understanding.